
Holocaust Denial

In Israel and some 16 European countries, there is a specific offence of Holocaust denial. Holocaust denial is denying that the genocide of Jews took place by the Nazis in the Holocaust. Deniers will, for example, say that significantly less than the accepted number of Jews died, that the camps were not used for murder… Continue reading Holocaust Denial

Detention of Seized Cash

HMRC seized £35,000 cash in plastic carrier bags from a Mr Mann as it was suspected he was fraudulently evading excise duty. Boxes of vodka worth around £220,000 had also been found on the premises. Once cash is seized, it can be held for up to 48 hours, after which time an application must be… Continue reading Detention of Seized Cash

Unlawful Importation of Firearms Offences

A new draft sentencing guideline for the offence of importing prohibited or restricted firearms has been published for consultation. There are no current guidelines in respect of these offences, although there are eight current guidelines for offences under the Firearms Act 1968. Sentencing guidelines set the range for sentences and are intended to reflect current… Continue reading Unlawful Importation of Firearms Offences

Rape Review

The Government’s End-to-End Review of the Criminal Justice System Response began in 2019. The purpose was to look at evidence across the system, from reporting rape to the police through to court outcomes, to understand what was happening in cases of adult rape.  Although the number of reported cases has not really changed, the number… Continue reading Rape Review

Who is Daniel Morgan?

You may have heard the name Daniel Morgan being mentioned in the media recently.  Daniel was a private investigator who would carry out extensive work for the News of the World. He was found murdered in 1987 in a car park with an axe embedded in his head, with no conviction regarding his death. An… Continue reading Who is Daniel Morgan?

Natural England Prosecutions

Natural England is the government’s advisor for the natural environment in England and Wales. Established in 2006, its purpose is to help conserve, enhance and manage the natural environment. It enforces the laws that protect wildlife and the environment and state that enforcement is used as a last resort. Natural England has responsibility for sites… Continue reading Natural England Prosecutions

Threats to Share Intimate Images

Modernising Communications Offences

The Law Commission has published a set of recommendations aiming to address the harms that arise from online abuse. As a counterbalance, protections for freedom of expression are recommended to increase. The Law Commission is independent and was set up by parliament to keep the law in England and Wales under review and to recommend… Continue reading Modernising Communications Offences

Mentally Disordered Offenders

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill