
Appeals from Beyond the Grave

The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment in the case of R v Max Clifford, the disgraced celebrity PR guru who was convicted in 2014 of a number of sexual offences and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. Clifford Died in 2017, So Why Did the Appeal Proceed? Section 44A of The Criminal Appeal Act… Continue reading Appeals from Beyond the Grave

Parental Dilemmas That Could Land You in Prison

It is a nightmare scenario that potentially any parent could face. A child returns home, late at night in an agitated state. He hurriedly tells you that he has been in a fight, it wasn’t his fault, but someone has been hurt, badly. Further details are not forthcoming, but he thinks the police will be… Continue reading Parental Dilemmas That Could Land You in Prison

Key Facts Regarding a Hung Jury

Last week the Hillsborough trial involving ex-police officer David Duckenfield ended without reaching a conclusion; a number of papers reported that there was a ‘hung jury’ – so, what does that mean? In an ideal world, a jury will reach a clear conclusion by either convicting or acquitting the defendant. In a case with 12… Continue reading Key Facts Regarding a Hung Jury

Is it Lawful to Hit a Child?

No matter your personal opinion on smacking a child, the law has the final say with regarding what punishment is accessible when it comes to hitting a child. In the latest post from Broadbents Solicitors, we discuss the law surrounding smacking a child in more detail. It is important to note that the law states… Continue reading Is it Lawful to Hit a Child?

A No Fault Divorce: Key Facts

Divorce is not something anyone would wish to go through, and although divorce rates have been seen to decrease in most recent years, thousands of people still file for divorce each year. On the 9th April 2019, the 50-year-old divorce law that was in place across England and Wales was updated, meaning that couples no… Continue reading A No Fault Divorce: Key Facts

Can Social Services Take my Child From my Home?

Social services are there to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and adults. It is important to note that social services must follow certain procedures when it comes to ensuring the welfare of a child. For today’s post, we discuss some of the most common questions parents have when it comes to social… Continue reading Can Social Services Take my Child From my Home?

Mental Health and Criminal Law

Mental Health is a complicated business. Conditions are not easy to diagnose, doctors can disagree on which disorder a person is suffering from, or even if they have a mental health condition at all. Those with mental disorders might have a host of specific needs in court on top of those of the typical defendant.… Continue reading Mental Health and Criminal Law

Government Unveils New Domestic Abuse Legislation

On Monday the government unveiled its new strategy to tackle domestic abuse. This follows a consultation exercise carried out last year, which drew over 3,000 responses. The new measures are: • Introducing the first ever statutory government definition of domestic abuse, which will include economic abuse • Establishing the office of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner… Continue reading Government Unveils New Domestic Abuse Legislation

Community Protection Notices

Community Protection Notices (CPNs) are currently attracting a lot of attention from the legal community, and we have many concerns concerning the way in which they are presently being used. In a recent case (Stannard v The Crown Prosecution Service [2019] EWHC 84 (Admin)) a CPN in the following terms was challenged: “The notice now… Continue reading Community Protection Notices

Can I be Stopped and Searched?

It’s likely that you have previously heard about stop and search, but may not know why and when the police would carry out this act. Our latest post discusses the law surrounding the stop and search procedure and what you can expect to happen if you are stopped by the police to be searched. We’ve… Continue reading Can I be Stopped and Searched?