
Barrister Action Will Affect Criminal Cases

You may have read in the press that barristers are on strike, it is inevitable therefore that you may be concerned as to how this will affect your case. Why Are Barristers on Strike? It is more or less agreed across the board now that the criminal justice system is on the brink of a… Continue reading Barrister Action Will Affect Criminal Cases

Employee Break Regulations

Taking regular breaks at work is not only a legal requirement, it is important for an individual’s overall health and wellbeing. In the latest blog post by Broadbents Solicitors, we discuss employee break regulations and the changes that an employer can legally make to your contract. For every six hours that an employee works, they… Continue reading Employee Break Regulations

What’s Holding up Your Property Sale?

If you are selling your home, the chances are that both you and the intended buyers have an interest in the transaction being completed without any issues. However, it is not uncommon for property transactions to be held up for various reasons. In the latest blog post from Broadbents Solicitors, we discuss some of the… Continue reading What’s Holding up Your Property Sale?

Spotting Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is the illegal or improper use of an individual’s funds, property or assets. Financial abuse can also take place where an individual takes control of another’s financial affairs, either at the will of the individual or by lasting power of attorney, but uses that control to benefit themselves or others. In the latest… Continue reading Spotting Financial Abuse

Will My Name Appear in Newspapers?

If you are over 17 years of age, the easiest answer is that it could. These days, press reporting via social media can happen very quickly and it is often one of the things not thought about by those facing criminal proceedings. Youth Court Anyone aged 17 or under will generally first appear in the… Continue reading Will My Name Appear in Newspapers?

Keeping up to Date with Road Tax Law

You may have seen the new campaign, launched by the DVLA to clamp down on those driving without vehicle tax. Keeping up to date with the latest road tax law is highly important and in the latest blog post by Broadbents Solicitors, we discuss the penalties for failing to comply with the law and what… Continue reading Keeping up to Date with Road Tax Law

Doctors in the Dock

Many in the medical profession are up in arms following a recent High Court case involving Dr Bawa-Garba  – General Medical Council v Bawa-Garba [2018] EWHC 76 (Admin). The case followed on from proceedings before the Medical Practitioners Tribunal, which had ruled that Bawa-Garba should be suspended from practice for a period of one-year. The… Continue reading Doctors in the Dock

Drugs – No Laughing Matter

‘Laughing gas’ more properly known as Nitrous Oxide, is back in the news following a Court of Appeal ruling that the substance is controlled by the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016. The Act makes it an offence to possess psychoactive substances with intent to supply, and in limited cases, simple possession is also an offence. The… Continue reading Drugs – No Laughing Matter

Gun Amnesty

A two-week gun amnesty begins today across the UK. In this period people will have an opportunity to dispose of firearms and ammunition safely, with ‘no questions asked’. Who Are the Police Reaching out To? The amnesty is directed at two distinct groups of people, firstly those who know they are in possession of illegal… Continue reading Gun Amnesty

None for The Road

As we put Halloween and Bonfire Night behind us, easing into those dark wintry nights, it isn’t long before Christmas is in our sights and party season gets underway. As night follows day, this time also coincides with a national police initiative concerning drink driving, as forces across the country prepare for a spike in… Continue reading None for The Road