
Natasha’s Law

In 2016 Natasha Ednan-Laperouse bought a baguette from Pret a Manger; unbeknownst to Natasha, the bread contained sesame seeds. That ingredient was not listed on the packaging, and Natasha suffered a fatal allergic reaction. At the time, fresh food that was made and packaged on the premises did not need to have an individual label… Continue reading Natasha’s Law

New Government Policies And The Party Conference – Part 1

The Tory Party Conference has been taking place in Manchester, with several announcements being made that are relevant to the criminal justice system. Wayne Couzens and violence against women Wayne Couzens, the now-former police officer who pleaded guilty to the murder of Sarah Everard, was sentenced to a whole life term last week. Priti Patel,… Continue reading New Government Policies And The Party Conference – Part 1

New Government Policies And The Party Conference – Part 2

The Tory Party Conference has been taking place in Manchester, with several announcements being made that are relevant to the criminal justice system. Activism Climate change and environmental protesters have been in the news recently following their attempts to block major roads, particularly in and around London. The government has taken out a new injunction… Continue reading New Government Policies And The Party Conference – Part 2

Mental Health In Prison

The Justice Committee has just published a report looking at those imprisoned with mental health issues. The report concluded that the Government must establish viable alternatives so that prisons are no longer used as a “place of safety” under the Mental Health Act. What is the problem? In 2005 the NHS took over the responsibility… Continue reading Mental Health In Prison

Security Industry Authority

The Security Industry Authority is also known as the SIA; it is the statutory organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry in the UK. The Private Security Industry Act 2001 created certain criminal offences that include engaging in licensable conduct without a licence, employing unlicensed persons in licensable conduct, obstructing SIA officials and falsely… Continue reading Security Industry Authority

Prison And Rehabilitation

There has always been a great deal of debate surrounding the issues of punishment and rehabilitation and the role of prison sentences in the justice system. Although some people can favour punishment and others rehabilitation, most people would suggest a mix of both. In the past, a former director-general of the Prison Service said that… Continue reading Prison And Rehabilitation

Secondary Liability

Did you know that you do not have to enter a house to be guilty of burgling it? How? Burglary is defined as entering as a trespasser with either the intent to steal or actually stealing. It can also be committed by entering with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm or inflicting it. You… Continue reading Secondary Liability

Stalking, Good Character and Unduly Lenient Sentences

Dipu Ahad was a councillor in Newcastle when a lady approached him for assistance as her former partner was harassing her. She approached him due to his standing in the community, and he did assist at first. When the harassment from the former partner ceased, Ahad started to carry out acts to make her think… Continue reading Stalking, Good Character and Unduly Lenient Sentences

Illegal Entry Via Small Boats

The Crown Prosecution Service and law enforcement agencies have agreed a consistent approach to the handling of illegal entry cases via small boats and lorries. Their guidance has been updated in the sections regarding small boats and larger vessels, passengers and prosecution strategy/international enquiries. The circumstances in which criminal charges may be considered are set… Continue reading Illegal Entry Via Small Boats