
A two-week gun amnesty begins today across the UK. In this period people will have an opportunity to dispose of firearms and ammunition safely, with ‘no questions asked’.

Who Are the Police Reaching out To?

The amnesty is directed at two distinct groups of people, firstly those who know they are in possession of illegal weapons or ammunition, and secondly those who are perhaps innocent custodians of a weapon and possibly even unsure as to its legal status, but too frightened to do anything about it.

If I Have a Weapon What Should I Do?

You should ring 101 and make arrangements with the police. They will either direct you to take it to a nominated police station or arrange for its collection.

You do not have to give the police any information about yourself or the weapon if you do not wish to do so.

Will I Face Prosecution?

You will not be prosecuted for possessing the weapon/ammunition at the point of handover.

However, it may be inspected further to see whether it can be connected to any criminal offences.

If the weapon has been used in criminal activity, this will give rise to further investigation, and the amnesty will not prevent the police pursuing people for those offences.

How We Can Help

If you wish to take advantage of the amnesty but are worried about criminal liability, then please contact us urgently so that we can give specific advice on this matter. Call Broadbents Solicitors today, or head over to our online enquiry form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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