The UK lockdown has taken its toll on everyone, for both businesses and individuals alike, but how have relationships coped during this time? The last few months have tested relationships in ways that many couples have never experienced before, nor expected. It’s been intense; there’s been a lot of uncertainty, fast-tracking and being apart.
Fast-tracking relationships to the next level
Many couples who already live together have spent more time at home. For those that were living separately had the choice of remaining apart for months or deciding to make a rush move and live together.
Over recent months, many couples have taken steps to take their relationship to the next level by moving in together during this time.
Strengthening the bond
In the early stages of the pandemic, it was reported that there had been a rise in divorce cases in China. While national lockdown is unlikely to have been the root cause for divorce, it is likely to have affected an already strained relationship.
This has undoubtedly been a difficult period for everyone, with many different factors causing stress and anxiety, putting an added strain on relationships.
While lockdown has taken its toll on some relationships, for others it has strengthened them. Some people feel closer to their partner, believing that lockdown has helped them as they’ve been able to spend more quality time with each other.
Influenced by new pressures
Despite many couples experiencing positives from lockdown, people have still experienced a range of different pressures and difficulties during this time. This has included a lack of personal space and missing spending time alone. Alongside this, many also have experienced mental health and financial difficulty, work stress and even being irritated by their partner more than the norm during this period.
Contact Us
We understand that not everyone has had a positive experience in their relationship during lockdown and we’re here to support. If you’re looking for any legal advice, you can give us a call today on Alfreton 01773 832 511, Derby 01332 369 090, or Heanor 01773 769 891. Alternatively, you can fill out our online enquiry form, and we’ll be in touch.