
Criminal Cases Review Commission – Improvement Needed?

The Criminal Cases Review Commission began its work on 31 March 1997. It was created by the Criminal Appeal Act 1995, 25 years ago. It came into being after some appalling miscarriages of justice under the previous system of consideration by Home Office ministers. That system was clearly not working in the interests of justice… Continue reading Criminal Cases Review Commission – Improvement Needed?

‘Complex Casework’ – Inside The Crown Prosecution Service

More prosecution casework is carried out locally by prosecutors based in regional hubs. For some cases, the position is entirely different, and a specialised team of prosecutors takes over.    Specialist Casework – Criteria The Crown Prosecution Service produces national guidance that specifies the criteria for casework that must be referred to Complex Casework Units (CCUs).… Continue reading ‘Complex Casework’ – Inside The Crown Prosecution Service

Court of Appeal Refuses to Correct Early Release Injustice

On 1 April 2020, The Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant Proportion of Sentence) Order 2020 came into force. This statutory instrument’s effect was to alter the early release provisions for some offenders receiving relatively determinate lengthy custodial sentences. By way of example, an offender who received a sentence of 12 years imprisonment would be released… Continue reading Court of Appeal Refuses to Correct Early Release Injustice

Sentencing And The Issue of ‘Psychological Harm’

A number of the definitive guidelines published by the Sentencing Council direct sentencers to consider whether the victim of an offence has suffered severe psychological harm.  In some guidelines, that question has to be considered at step 1 of the sentencing process: a finding of severe psychological harm places the case into a higher category… Continue reading Sentencing And The Issue of ‘Psychological Harm’

BBC in the Dock

The British Broadcasting Corporation (‘BBC’) found itself in the embarrassing position of being fined £28,000 this week after admitting being in contempt of Court.   Why was the BBC in trouble? On the morning of 17 November 2020, the BBC made a video and audio recording of half a day’s hearing in the Planning Court… Continue reading BBC in the Dock

Sentencing for Drugs Offences

New sentencing guidelines for some drugs offences will come in to force on 1 April 2021 and will apply to all cases sentenced on or after that date. The update is to reflect modern drug offending and new guidelines for offences created by the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 to bring clarity and transparency around the… Continue reading Sentencing for Drugs Offences