Speeding is one of the most common road traffic offences committed on UK roads, and it can have fatal consequences. Nobody is ever in that much of a rush to justify breaking the set national speed limits and put their, and other lives, in danger; it’s really not worth the consequences.
Driving at speed during lockdown
However, with strict lockdown measures in place and the majority of people following them, naturally, there are now fewer people on the roads. This has created a temptation for some drivers to increase their speed.
Although the UK is in lockdown to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and protect the most vulnerable in our society, the increase in drivers speeding does still have consequences. With all the changes that have happened in the past month, there have been changes to speeding penalties, what are they?
What are the changes to speeding penalties?
Some drivers may be surprised to learn that instead of officers offering speed awareness courses as a consequence of breaking the law, drivers will now be hit with stricter penalties such as points on their driving licence or fines.
All speed awareness courses across the country have been suspended for 12 weeks due to the coronavirus lockdown measures. This is to help slow the spread of disease and encourage motorists to stay home.
Stay at home
During this uncertain and unprecedented time, it is important to follow the government advice surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, which includes only leaving your home for essential journeys such as food, medical reasons, or work, but only if you cannot work from home.
You may also leave your house to support vulnerable at-risk individuals. When you do go outside for one of the above reasons, you must stay at least 2 metres (6ft) apart from other people at all times, and wash your hands regularly.
Government guidelines also state that you must not meet friends or family; you can only physically interact with people living in your household. This is all to prevent the spread of the virus, even if you are not displaying any symptoms.
If you require a solicitor to provide you with comprehensive advice regarding a speeding offence, please call our dedicated team. We have four branches across Alfreton, Derby, Heanor and Sutton in Ashfield. Call Alfreton 01773 832 511, Derby 01332 369 090, Heanor 01773 769 891, Sutton-in-Ashfield 01623 441 123. Alternatively, you can fill out our enquiry form, and we’ll be in touch.