mother and drawing drawing together

Family solicitors are those with the qualifications to provide advice on the correct course of actions in legal matters pertaining to family law, whether that be in relation to matrimonial law, child custody, domestic abuse, or family financial matters. On occasion, they will provide family mediation. They may also represent you in a court of law, but not always, as this responsibility may instead be appointed to a barista.
You may recognise that you require the help of a family solicitor, but might be unsure of what that means and exactly what services they can provide you. Broadbents Solicitors have a team of experienced family solicitors with many years of experience. We have outlined below the most common services that a family solicitor will provide.
Solicitors for family disputes
Whether you’re in need of dispute resolution, are concerned about your next legal step, or would like help with legal representation, family solicitors are experts in helping to navigate the confusing aspects of familial law. Common family disputes that a family solicitor can help with are in regards to divorce, pre- or post-nuptials, division of property, and child custody. Whether you are entering into a legal battle regarding any of these subjects, or would simply like some initial advice about the potential realities of doing so, speaking to a family solicitor will help.
Family solicitors for fathers
In many cases, fathers will specifically seek advice from family solicitors before any legal proceedings have taken place, due to concerns about the potential bias towards the mother in a court case. By approaching a family solicitor early, a father can acquire advice and guidelines as to how best to proceed, and what the potential outcomes may be, preparing them for the journey ahead.
Family Mediation
A large aspect of the work that a family solicitor will do will be to either organise or lead family meditation. It is often the case that disputes can escalate quickly into a court case that was otherwise avoidable. By sitting with a family solicitor, someone trained in these matters, you can receive guided family mediation that can lead to a more beneficial outcome for everyone involved without having to involve the courts.
If you are concerned and looking to speak with a family solicitor, Broadbents Solicitors can help. In specific cases, legal aid is available for those seeking the help of family solicitors, and the team here at Broadbents Solicitors will be happy to advise further if this is something  you require. Simply call your local branch or use our online contact form and we will be happy to advise.

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