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Supervision orders can be given if the local authority are concerned about the welfare of a child. Broadbents Solicitors discusses supervision orders in more detail to provide answers to commonly asked questions.

What is it?

A supervision order provides the local authority with the power to monitor the progress and needs of a child, whether they live at home or elsewhere. A social worker will be appointed to provide advice and support to the family as a whole.

Supervision orders can have certain conditions attached, such as the requirement that the social worker has to be allowed to visit the child at home.

It is important to note that a supervision order does not give the local authority any parental responsibility over the child and does not give them the right to remove the child from their home.

How is a Supervision Order Made?

A supervision order may be applied for by the local authority if they have concerns that a child is either suffering from harm or likely to suffer from harm – due to either the care being provided by the parent or the child being beyond parental control.

A supervision order or care order will be granted by the court if there is evidence that to show that the child is currently being harm or likely to come to harm – if there is no evidence, this order cannot be made.

How Long Does a Supervision order Last?

A supervision order is made for one year, but can either be extended to a total of three years or stopped earlier (discharged).

Appealing a Supervision Order

Although a supervision order can be appealed against, in practice it is very rare. If appealing against a supervision order, it is advised to seek professional legal advice.

Broadbents Solicitors: Supervision Orders

If you require help and guidance regarding a supervision order, contact the specialist team at Broadbents Solicitors today by calling one of the local numbers at the top of the screen. Alternatively, send your enquiry through to our online contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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